कर्नाटक में 20 घंटे बाद 16 फीट गहरे बोरवेल से 2 साल के बच्चे को बचाया गया

कर्नाटक में 20 घंटे बाद 16 फीट गहरे बोरवेल से 2 साल के बच्चे को बचाया गया

2-Year-Old Rescued From 16-Feet Deep Borewell In Karnataka After 20 Hours

Two-year-old boy rescued from borewell after 20-hour ordeal in Karnataka

  • National News
  • 248
  • 04, Apr, 2024
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Sampda Gupta
  • @SampdaGupta

2-Year-Old Rescued From 16-Feet Deep Borewell In Karnataka After 20 Hours

New Delhi: In a heart-stopping incident, a two-year-old boy found himself trapped in a borewell in Karnataka, sending shockwaves through the local community. The ordeal unfolded in Lachayan village, where the child accidentally fell into the 16-foot deep borewell while playing near his house. The incident occurred on Wednesday evening, triggering an immediate response from rescue teams. The distressing situation came to light when the child's cries were heard by someone nearby, prompting them to alert the family and authorities. Without wasting any time, rescue operations commenced around 6:30 pm, marking the beginning of a race against time to save the toddler. As the hours ticked by, the rescue efforts intensified. Authorities deployed heavy machinery, including an excavator, to dig a parallel pit approximately 21 feet deep adjacent to the borewell.

This strategic manoeuvre aimed to facilitate the safe retrieval of the child trapped below the surface. Amidst the tense atmosphere, the well-being of the child remained a primary concern. Reports indicate that the boy fell into the borewell head first, heightening fears for his safety. With each passing moment, the urgency to rescue him grew, underscoring the critical nature of the situation. While the rescue operation unfolded, a medical team stood vigilant at the site, equipped with essential supplies such as oxygen and emergency medication. Injections were prepared, ready to administer first aid as soon as the child was brought to safety. Additionally, an ambulance stood by, poised to swiftly transport the rescued child to a nearby hospital in Indi for further medical attention. Despite the relentless efforts of the rescue teams, the status of the child's condition remained uncertain.

The harrowing ordeal spanned over 20 hours, fraught with tension and anxiety as the community anxiously awaited news of the toddler's fate. Throughout the ordeal, the collective efforts of emergency responders, authorities, and medical personnel underscored the unwavering commitment to saving a young life. The incident served as a stark reminder of the dangers posed by uncovered borewells and the importance of swift action in times of crisis. As the rescue operation concluded and the child was finally brought to safety, a collective sigh of relief swept through the village. While the physical scars of the ordeal may heal with time, the emotional impact is likely to resonate within the community for days to come. The successful rescue serves as a testament to the power of solidarity and quick response in the face of adversity, offering hope amidst the darkness of uncertainty.

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Sampda Gupta

  • @SampdaGupta