ताइवान पनडुब्बी परियोजना प्रमुख ने इस्तीफा दिया, मंत्रालय ने कहा, आगे बढ़ने की योजना है

ताइवान पनडुब्बी परियोजना प्रमुख ने इस्तीफा दिया, मंत्रालय ने कहा, आगे बढ़ने की योजना है

Taiwan Submarine Project Chief Quits, Ministry Says Plans to Proceed

The chief of Taiwan's submarine project resigns. The Ministry confirms plans to continue with the project despite the resignation.

  • Global News
  • 389
  • 17, Apr, 2024
Jivika Chawla
Jivika Chawla
  • @JivikaChawla

Taiwan Submarine Project Chief Quits, Ministry Says Plans to Proceed

Taiwan's indigenous submarine program remains steadfast, affirmed the defense minister amidst the resignation of its program head. The decision to press forward comes amid what the former head described as unwarranted criticisms directed towards him and the military.

Taiwan, often viewed by China as a renegade province, has prioritized the submarine project as a cornerstone of its military modernization efforts. This initiative gains significance in the context of China's persistent military maneuvers aimed at asserting its territorial claims, which Taiwan vehemently contests.

The unveiling of the inaugural vessel in late September marked a milestone in Taiwan's quest for a modern submarine fleet, albeit deployment is slated for the following year. Collaborating with multiple countries, Taiwan has leveraged international expertise and technology, a notable achievement given its diplomatic isolation.

In his resignation statement, Huang Shu-Kuang cited unjust scrutiny as the catalyst for his decision to step down. Despite his departure, Huang affirmed the project's continuity, emphasizing the resilience of the submarine task force comprised of the navy and shipbuilder CSBC Corp.

Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng echoed this sentiment, characterizing Huang as diligent while assuring continuity in the project's trajectory. Emphasizing the commitment of active-duty personnel, Chiu dismissed concerns regarding disruptions arising from personnel changes.

Huang's vision for the submarines extends beyond military deterrence, emphasizing their role in safeguarding Taiwan's vital maritime connections. With an eye toward bolstering national defense and preserving access to Pacific trade routes, Huang underscores the strategic importance of the submarine fleet.

Taiwan aims to commission at least two domestically developed submarines by 2027, with potential enhancements including equipping later iterations with submarine-launched anti-ship missiles. This ambition reflects Taiwan's proactive stance in bolstering its defense capabilities amidst escalating regional tensions.

In conclusion, Taiwan's unwavering commitment to its submarine program underscores its determination to safeguard its sovereignty and security. Despite challenges and leadership transitions, Taiwan remains steadfast in its pursuit of military modernization to counter external threats and safeguard its interests.

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Jivika Chawla

Jivika Chawla

  • @JivikaChawla

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