मौसम ट्रैकर: अमेरिका के कुछ हिस्सों में भयंकर तूफान और बवंडर आए

मौसम ट्रैकर: अमेरिका के कुछ हिस्सों में भयंकर तूफान और बवंडर आए

Weather tracker: severe storms and tornadoes hit parts of US

Severe storms, tornadoes strike US. Stay safe, heed warnings. Monitor local news for updates, take shelter if necessary.

  • Global News
  • 451
  • 03, May, 2024
Jivika Chawla
Jivika Chawla
  • @JivikaChawla

Weather tracker: severe storms and tornadoes hit parts of the US

Last week, the United States experienced a significant onslaught of severe thunderstorms, which unleashed a staggering 129 tornadoes across the Midwest and Southern regions between April 25 and 28. The focal point of this tumultuous weather pattern occurred on April 26, when the majority of tornadoes touched down in the states of Nebraska and Iowa.

Remarkably, among the tornadoes that formed, two stood out for their extraordinary size and duration. These tornadoes, each lasting approximately an hour and spanning a diameter of about a mile, exhibited ferocious surface wind speeds of up to 160mph at their peak. The initial tornado traversed over 31 miles across eastern Nebraska, wreaking havoc, particularly in the Omaha suburb of Elkhorn. The second tornado, which also generated secondary vortices, journeyed nearly 41 miles across western Iowa and tragically claimed the life of one individual in Minden.

The subsequent day witnessed another bout of severe storms, this time sweeping through Texas and Oklahoma. Among these tempests, one tornado emerged as the most menacing of the entire outbreak, manifesting during the late evening hours. Lasting approximately 24 minutes, this tornado carved a path spanning 27 miles across southern Oklahoma, boasting surface winds reaching speeds of up to 170mph. The town of Marietta bore the brunt of its fury, sustaining widespread destruction, including significant damage to the local hospital. Tragically, one fatality was reported elsewhere within the town.

This relentless barrage of severe weather underscores the unpredictable and devastating nature of tornado activity in the United States. Communities across the affected regions were forced to grapple with the immediate aftermath of destruction, while emergency response teams mobilized to provide aid and support to those in need. As the affected areas begin the process of recovery and reconstruction, the resilience and solidarity of the impacted communities serve as a testament to their strength in the face of adversity.

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Jivika Chawla

Jivika Chawla

  • @JivikaChawla

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