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साइबर हमले से उबरने का सिलसिला जारी रहने पर क्लोरॉक्स के साइबर प्रमुख ने छोड़ दिया

Clorox's Cyber Chief Leaves as Recovery from Cyberattack Continues

Clorox's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Amy Bogac has resigned amid the company's ongoing recovery from a ransomware attack.

  • Technology
  • 533
  • 16, Nov, 2023
Sarthak Varshney
Sarthak Varshney
  • @SarthakVarshney

Clorox's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Amy Bogac, has resigned as the company grapples with the aftermath of a ransomware attack that disrupted its operations in September. The cyberattack forced Clorox to shut down its manufacturing plants and distribution centers for several weeks, causing widespread product shortages and significant financial losses.

[Image Source REUTERS]

Bogac's departure comes as Clorox is still struggling to fully restore its operations and is facing increased scrutiny from investors and regulators over its cybersecurity practices. The company has acknowledged that the ransomware attack exposed vulnerabilities in its IT systems and has vowed to take steps to improve its cybersecurity posture.

Bogac, who joined Clorox in 2021, was responsible for overseeing the company's cybersecurity strategy and protecting its data and systems from cyberattacks. She had previously held senior cybersecurity positions at several other companies, including Dell and Hewlett-Packard.

The reasons for Bogac's departure are unclear, but the ransomware attack and the subsequent fallout likely played a role in her decision. The attack was a major setback for Clorox, and Bogac likely faced significant pressure from both inside and outside the company to address the company's cybersecurity weaknesses.

Bogac's resignation is a blow to Clorox, as she was a highly respected cybersecurity leader with a proven track record of success. However, the company is confident it can continue moving forward without her.

"We appreciate Amy's contributions to Clorox and wish her well in her future endeavors," a Clorox spokesperson said in a statement. "We are committed to strengthening our cybersecurity posture and are confident in our ability to protect our data and systems from cyberattacks."

Clorox is currently searching for a replacement for Bogac. In the meantime, the company's Chief Information and Data Officer, Chau Banks, will assume responsibility for cybersecurity on an interim basis.

Banks is a seasoned IT executive with over 20 years of experience. He has a strong track record of leading IT organizations and is well-respected within the company.

Clorox is confident that Banks has the skills and experience necessary to lead the company's cybersecurity efforts during this critical time. The company is also taking steps to strengthen its cybersecurity team and is investing in new technologies and processes to prevent future cyberattacks.

The ransomware attack on Clorox was a stark reminder of the growing threat of cyberattacks to businesses of all sizes. Companies of all sizes need to protect themselves from these attacks by implementing strong cybersecurity measures and educating their employees about cybersecurity risks.

Here are some additional details about the cyberattack on Clorox:

  • The attack occurred in September 2023.
  • The attackers used ransomware to encrypt Clorox's data and systems.
  • The attack forced Clorox to shut down its manufacturing plants and distribution centers for several weeks.
  • The attack caused widespread product shortages and significant financial losses.
  • Clorox is still recovering from the attack and is facing increased scrutiny from investors and regulators over its cybersecurity practices.

Clorox's cyberattack is a case study of the importance of cybersecurity. Companies of all sizes need to take steps to protect themselves from these attacks by implementing strong cybersecurity measures and educating their employees about cybersecurity risks

Sarthak Varshney

Sarthak Varshney

  • @SarthakVarshney