पुतिन मध्य पूर्व दौरे पर निकले, सऊदी अरब और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात का दौरा किया

पुतिन मध्य पूर्व दौरे पर निकले, सऊदी अरब और संयुक्त अरब अमीरात का दौरा किया

Diplomatic Moves: Putin Embarks on Middle East Tour, Visits Saudi Arabia and UAE

Russian President Putin visits Saudi Arabia, strengthening ties in the Middle East. Talks focus on oil markets and regional stability

  • Global News
  • 440
  • 07, Dec, 2023
Sarthak Varshney
Sarthak Varshney
  • @SarthakVarshney

Diplomatic Endeavor: Putin Embarks on Middle East Tour, Visiting Saudi Arabia and UAE - Strengthening Ties and Shaping Regional Dynamics.

Related video: Russia-UAE relations at an unprecedented level - Putin Gulf News

Russian President Vladimir Putin's rare visit to Saudi Arabia, following his stops in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), underscores Moscow's efforts to reclaim global influence. It marks his third trip outside the former Soviet Union since the Ukraine invasion. Meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Putin discussed bilateral relations, inviting the prince to Moscow. Their talks touched on oil markets and efforts to de-escalate the Gaza conflict. Amid accusations of war crimes, Putin strategically avoids ICC-signatory countries. Earlier in the UAE, Putin hailed unprecedented relations, emphasizing strong economic ties and joint projects. The visit aims to solidify Russia's presence in the Middle East.

Sarthak Varshney

Sarthak Varshney

  • @SarthakVarshney

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