हिज़बोल्लाह के एंटी-शिप मिसाइलें उसकी खतरा को बढ़ाती हैं: रिपोर्ट

हिज़बोल्लाह के एंटी-शिप मिसाइलें उसकी खतरा को बढ़ाती हैं: रिपोर्ट

Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles bolster its threat to US navy: Report

हिज़बोल्लाह की एंटी-शिप मिसाइलें भारतीय नौसेना के लिए एक बड़ी चुनौती हैं, जैसा कि एक रिपोर्ट में उजागर हो रहा है।

  • Global News
  • 312
  • 13, Nov, 2023
Jivika Chawla
Jivika Chawla
  • @JivikaChawla

Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles bolster its threat to US navy: Report

A recent report by Reuters has revealed that Hezbollah, a Lebanese Shia militant group, has acquired powerful Russian anti-ship missiles, which pose a significant threat to US warships in the region. The report also suggests that Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's recent veiled threat against US warships may be referring to the group's enhanced anti-ship missile capabilities.

The report comes at a time of heightened tensions between the US and Iran, which is Hezbollah's main backer. The US has deployed two aircraft carriers and their supporting ships to the Mediterranean Sea in an effort to deter Iran from escalating the conflict in the region. However, Hezbollah's acquisition of anti-ship missiles could complicate the US's efforts to deter Iran.

Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles are thought to include the Russian-made Yakhont missile, which has a range of 300 kilometers. This means that Hezbollah could potentially target US warships operating anywhere in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. The Yakhont missile is also known to be very difficult to intercept, making it a particularly dangerous threat to US warships.

The US Navy has a number of measures in place to defend itself against anti-ship missiles, including radar systems, electronic countermeasures, and missile defense systems. However, Hezbollah's acquisition of anti-ship missiles still poses a significant threat to US warships.

In addition to the threat posed to US warships, Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles could also be used to disrupt shipping in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This could have a significant impact on the global economy, as the Eastern Mediterranean Sea is a major shipping route for oil and other goods.

The US government is aware of the threat posed by Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles. In 2019, the US Treasury Department sanctioned a Lebanese company for its role in Hezbollah's anti-ship missile program. However, it is unclear whether these sanctions have been effective in deterring Hezbollah from acquiring anti-ship missiles.

The US government is also working with its allies in the region to counter the threat posed by Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles. For example, the US has reportedly provided Israel with intelligence on Hezbollah's anti-ship missile program. The US has also reportedly been working with its allies to develop new missile defense systems that can be used to intercept Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles.

However, despite the US government's efforts to counter the threat posed by Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles, the threat remains significant. Hezbollah's acquisition of anti-ship missiles has raised the stakes in the region and has made it more difficult for the US to deter Iran from escalating the conflict.


Hezbollah's acquisition of anti-ship missiles is a significant development that has implications for both the US and Iran. The US Navy will need to take additional steps to protect its warships from Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles. The US government will also need to work closely with its allies in the region to counter the threat posed by Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles.

The threat posed by Hezbollah's anti-ship missiles is also a reminder of the volatility of the Middle East region. The conflict between the US and Iran is ongoing, and there is a risk that the conflict could escalate. The US government will need to be prepared to deal with any escalation of the conflict, including the possibility of Hezbollah using its anti-ship missiles to target US warships.

Jivika Chawla

Jivika Chawla

  • @JivikaChawla