राजनीतिक स्थिति का खुलासा: ट्रंप ने अमेरिका के कुशल राज्यों में नेतृत्व करना शुरू किया है।

राजनीतिक स्थिति का खुलासा: ट्रंप ने अमेरिका के कुशल राज्यों में नेतृत्व करना शुरू किया है।

Political Landscape Unfolds: Trump Takes Commanding Lead in Key Swing States in the US

Polls reveal Trump leading Biden in key swing states for the 2024 election, raising concerns for Biden's re-election prospects.

  • Global News
  • 160
  • 17, Dec, 2023
Sarthak Varshney
Sarthak Varshney
  • @SarthakVarshney

Political Landscape Unfolds: Trump Takes Commanding Lead in Key Swing States in the US

Recent polls less than a year before the 2024 election show that in key swing states such as Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump is leading incumbent President Joe Biden. Even in states Biden won in 2020, Trump has an advantage, indicating he is a strong contender for the 2024 presidential race. A CNN poll shows Trump leading by 5 points in Georgia and 10 points in Michigan. Other polls reveal Trump leading in crucial swing states like North Carolina, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona. Despite various challenges, Trump maintains significant support, while Biden faces struggles in approval ratings and party divisions.

Sarthak Varshney

Sarthak Varshney

  • @SarthakVarshney