क्षतिग्रस्त वाहन में कई दिनों तक फंसे रहे ड्राइवर को बचाए जाने से पहले उसका पैर काट दिया गया

क्षतिग्रस्त वाहन में कई दिनों तक फंसे रहे ड्राइवर को बचाए जाने से पहले उसका पैर काट दिया गया

Driver who was trapped for days in a mangled vehicle before his rescue has his leg amputated

A driver, trapped for days in a wrecked vehicle, had his leg amputated after being rescued.

  • Global News
  • 462
  • 29, Dec, 2023
Jivika Chawla
Jivika Chawla
  • @JivikaChawla

Driver who was trapped for days in a mangled vehicle before his rescue has his leg amputated

A motorist who was trapped for several days in a severely damaged car in Indiana and was discovered by a man and his father-in-law had to undergo a leg amputation on Wednesday.

Matt Reum, a 27-year-old member of the Boilermakers Local 374 union, had his leg amputated from the mid-shin down, and he is currently in intensive care, according to a statement from the union's spokesperson. His condition, initially critical on Wednesday, was upgraded to "serious" on Thursday, as reported by a spokesperson for Beacon Health System.

In a statement released on Wednesday, Beacon Health System conveyed Reum's gratitude for the support he received, acknowledging the good Samaritans who found him and the medical caregivers. The statement mentioned that Matt Reum intends to share the details of his harrowing experience when he is ready and requested time for processing, rest, and healing, along with privacy for himself and his family.

"No matter how tough things get, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, sometimes in the least expected wayReum said, according to the statement.

The man and his father-in-law, who found Reum inside the wreckage beneath an Interstate 94 bridge in Portage, Indiana, were reportedly scouting fishing holes. Authorities revealed that Reum, initially believed to be deceased, was discovered in a shallow creek.

Reum, who had sustained multiple injuries, including a broken hand, was quickly airlifted to a hospital where his injuries were deemed life-threatening, according to Sgt. Glen Fifield, a regional spokesperson for the Indiana State Police. It was estimated that Reum may have been at the site for nearly a week, as the location was not easily visible from the interstate, and no recent accident reports had been filed in the area.

The circumstances surrounding how Reum ended up in the creek and how he managed to survive remain unclear. Sgt. Fifield noted the mild weather in Indiana this week, which may have contributed to Reum's survival. Rescuers from the Portage and Burns Harbor fire departments worked for hours to extract Reum from the wreckage due to its intensity and challenging location. Authorities believe that Reum was driving westbound on I-94 near mile marker 19 when his vehicle left the roadway for unknown reasons, rolling several times before coming to rest under the bridge.

क्षतिग्रस्त वाहन में कई दिनों तक फंसे रहे ड्राइवर को बचाए जाने से पहले उसका पैर काट दिया गया

Jivika Chawla

Jivika Chawla

  • @JivikaChawla

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