Ofcom ने GB News पर PM के उपस्थिति की जाँच शुरू की है।

Ofcom ने GB News पर PM के उपस्थिति की जाँच शुरू की है।

Ofcom launches investigation into PM's appearance on GB News

Ofcom has launched an investigation into Rishi Sunak's recent appearance on GB News. The prime minister answered questions on a range of topics from an audience on the show, but complainants alleged that no alternative view was offered.

  • Global News
  • 429
  • 19, Feb, 2024
Jivika Chawla
Jivika Chawla
  • @JivikaChawla

Ofcom launches investigation into PM's appearance on GB News

The UK's communications and broadcast regulator, Ofcom, has confirmed an investigation into a program aired on GB News on February 12, 2024, following approximately 500 complaints. The investigation is conducted under Rules 5.11 and 5.12 of the Broadcasting Code, which imposes additional due impartiality requirements for programs addressing major political controversies and current public policy matters.

Rules 5.11 and 5.12 mandate a broad spectrum of significant views with due weight in such programs or in clearly linked and timely broadcasts. The Ofcom Broadcasting Code establishes the guidelines for television and radio programs in the UK

The concept of "due impartiality" in current affairs content doesn't necessitate equal time for opposing perspectives. Still, it requires that audiences are exposed to a range of significant viewpoints. The investigation signals the regulator's commitment to upholding standards in broadcasting and ensuring that programs dealing with contentious political and public policy issues adhere to the principles of fairness and balanced representation. As Ofcom scrutinizes the program, it underscores the importance of media outlets providing diverse perspectives to enhance public discourse and understanding.

Ofcom ने GB News पर PM के उपस्थिति की जाँच शुरू की है।

Jivika Chawla

Jivika Chawla

  • @JivikaChawla

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